i've had quite a busy past couple of days, so i'm sorry for the lack of blogging.
first of all, jeff and i "broke-up," so to speak. but there are no hard feelings, and it was mutual. we both need to live our lives while we're young. i don't want to look back and regret anything, you know? so it's more like a break, i guess. still hurts :(
second, i think i'm going to cut back on the blogging and blog reading some. at least for now. i'm so busy with school and soccer, and i need to actually LIVE instead of be glued to the computer. but i love you guys, so i will keep up with you periodically and check on you! and of course, blog some :)
third, i have a shit-ton of homework, so i think i'll try to do that now.
forth, my mother is hosing a bunco party at my house tonight, so i was sent to my room and all i can hear is a bunch of forty-year-old women cackling. music to my ears.
ciao for now bellas :)