Monday, June 21, 2010

quarters, boot camp, and tofu

hey! work is going unimaginably well...yet tiring as hell.  thankfully, i have today and tomorrow off because i have to go to Duke for my final ED checkup :) as much as i love getting out of my small town and heading to Durham, it is nice knowing i won't have to see an ED doctor any longer.

thursday night, i worked 12 hours; i worked until 2:30 in the morning. woah. tips were rollin', though.  there was a huge party of guys there from some kind of firm, and two were looking at me all night and finally asked my name.  they were quite nice to look at, i might add (and AUSTRALIAN) :) it was flattering for awhile, but it got to be downright creepy.  they asked me to take me them home because they were hammered, but i politely refused.  friday, i worked until 1:00 in the morning, and saturday i got off at 9:30.  i can't complain...i've made hundreds ;)

mom and dad came to visit me one night, and my dad and i ended up playing quarters on the bar.  after awhile, we attracted quite the crowd. 

our family might be dysfunctional, but i love 'em!

i finally had some motivation this morning to hop off my lazy butt and do some work.  i had purchased a boot camp dvd a longg time ago, and went to work.  HOLY %&*^&.  i don't know what word that was, but it's what i was saying the entire 55 minutes.  billy kicked my BUTT.  i was literally dripping sweat from head to toe by the end, but i felt amazing.  i will be continuing the dvd :)

on the foodie front, i've been eating HORRIBLY lately, and my body can tell. i'm going back and eating more clean and healthy foods.  no worries, there will be cake in there too.  80/20, peeps.  i started today because i once read that mondays were the best days to start a new habit! i worked out and ate pretty well.

breakfast was homemade french toast made with 3 slices whole wheat bread, 2 egg whites, splash of lactaid, cinnamon, vanilla, a small banana, and sf maple syrup. sorry, it got demolished so no pictures.

lunch was a flatout wrap with sabra roasted red pepper hummus, shredded carrots, and a few vegan peperoni slices.  on the side, i had an apple dipped in plain greek yogurt mixed with just a little sf maple syrup.  no pictures, nothing to write home about. delicious, nonetheless. somewhere inbetween lunch and dinner, i had the remaineder of my greek yogurt (1/2 cup?) with some kashi honey toasted cereal and sf maple syrup, again. i should lay off of that.

now as my post title implies, i had some tofu for dinner. in the past, i've bought it and ended up having to throw it out becuase i never used it.  i've always been intimidated when actually cooking my own food.  i make my own food a lot, but nothing that doesn't take over five minutes.  i was feeling up to the task tonight, and tofu sounded pretty good.

enter kristin's grilled asian tofu.

obviously, mine didn't look as nice and pretty as hers, but it sure was tasty.


grilled in the foreman, topped with sesame seeds.

i also stole her idea of using the rest of the marinade to sautee up some spinach and brown rice. genius.

three pieces of tofu and a blog later, i'm one happy girl.

ciao bella

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

so this is what it's like

as of approximately 7:00 last night, i became a high school graduate;  an adult in the real world.  my childhood is officially behind me, and i'm about to embark on MY new life without my family. about surreal. 

the ceremony was amazing.  ever since 9th grade, i had been number on in my class, but things changed that the VERY last second and i was salutatorian in the end.  last second as in i was still valedictorian up until two weeks ago.  oh well...i was upset at first, but it's really no big deal. with everything i've been through, i know i'm lucky to be where i am today.  i may have not been the best student either, so i know i should definitely be happy with being second in the class.

a lot has changed since the last time i've posted.  i've become so much more lackadasical about my food choices.  i eat pretty poorly at times, but i've now found the motivation to exercise and live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.  honestly, i've never been happier.  i don't know how much i weigh and i don't care too.  when i go to the doctor to get my immunizations for college, i intend of having them not tell me what it is.  life is so much easier when living blindy, sometimes.  words really can't describe how lucky i consider myself.  i continue to read blogs of girls still stricken with an eating disorder, and i think about how i know exactly where they are. because i've been there, too.  i want them to read this and know that it is possible to recover.  i'm here where i am today because of the outpouring of strength and love given to me by my family and friends around me, as well as my own personal power that i never knew i had. 

on a lighter note, there is a new boy in my life.  a great one, at that.  unfortunately, i won't see him all summer because he is in the army national guard, and will be at basic training all summer. ugh. at least he will be at N.C. State with me in August, though :)

i start work tomorrow as a waitress, so wish me luck guys!
now that i'm an adult and all, i gotta bring in that bankk ;)

ciao bella

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.”